Northern Virginia

How to Report a Streetlight Outage in Fairfax, VA

Streetlight Reporter

Fairfax County launched a new online tool to make it easier to identify pole numbers and report streetlight outages on your PC or mobile device.

Report a Streetlight Outage

Step 1: Visit Streetlight Reporter

streetlight reporter 1

Step 2: Locate the pole on the map and click. Click on the link that says “Click here to report a problem with this street light”

streetlight reporter 2

Step 3: Fill out the report form and submit

streetlight reporter 3

Six types of problems you can report

  1. Street light out
  2. Street light on daytime
  3. Street light cycles on-off or flickers
  4. Cracked, broken, or leaning pole
  5. Refractor hanging or broken
  6. Other-specify

If the pole is not shown on the map, it may be privately maintained by a HOA

Who Maintains the Streetlights in Fairfax County?

  • Public roadways : Dominion Virginia Power or the Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC)
  • Interstates & major interchanges : the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)

1 Comment

  • I am trying to report a street light outage on our street. My address is 8096 Steeple Chase Court and the light is directly across my house. I’ve contacted Dominion and they say it is not their responsibility. The coding on the street is as follows: CO611 and AG45. This is very dangerous as we have children who play outside. Please confirm and have the problem addressed.

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